

[1] Min Soo Bae, and Ilgu Yun, "Effect of EOT and Bulk Oxide Traps on HfO2/SiO2 Double Gate MOSFETs", Best paper award, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium 2015 (IEDMS 2015), Tainan, Taiwan, November 19-20, 2015. [논문 링크]

[2] Dongseok Shin, and Ilgu Yun, "Device reliability of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes", 1st Place in the Student Research Speed Dating Event for presenting, ESREF 2016, Halle, Germany, September 19-22, 2016. [논문 링크]

[3] In Joong Kim and Ilgu Yun, "Selective Plasma Light Intensity Measurement Technique for Process Uniformity using Transparent LCD Module adapted Optical Emission Spectroscopy", Nominated as a finalist of student poster award, XXXIV ICPIG & ICPC-10, Sapporo, Japan, 2019.